Monday 14 December 2015

My Design Practice

I decided to go with my 3rd choice from all my face charts as I felt like it had a good balance of contemporary and Elizabethan. Below is my facechart and the real life look that Katherine had done.

I actually really wasn't happy with how it turned out. This wasn't on the artist's fault at all, it was simply because it didn't work. The products I had chosen didn't show up like they did on the face chart. This could be to the fact that the base wasn't while enough, the eye shadow needing more build up or ever that my skin colour just doesn't make it look good. I came to the conclusion that it made me look just ill rather than Elizabethan or even contemporary. I could have possibly tried to make it work by changing the base or using a different product on the eye however if I'm honest, seeing my face like this put me off my idea altogether!

Back to planning I think!

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