Monday 14 December 2015

Introduction to the brief

So we have been given our project brief.
As make-up artists, we are required to be able to design various looks as well as create a design that has been given to us. So this unit will introduce us to the historical and contemporary practice of make-up design using construction techniques.

Im really excited to start this part of the course as I have never really had much practice in make-up. I have only ever done my own and experimented with different looks I like that I saw on television or on a stranger walking past.
The project is based on the Elizabethan Era and as I have said, I don't really know a great deal about it. I can have a wild guess at the hair but the make-up part is beyond me. I decided first things first is to do some research on the matter. We are to create a final contemporary makeup look based on historical Elizabethan styles.

As soon as the technical lessons started, I was really nervous because I had never done this before and I am surrounded by my class mates who all have some sort of experience. I felt really happy that we were able to learn some basic techniques to start with as I liked learning these techniques. I'm really hoping to get my confidence up with these lessons and I hope I can do well for my final assessment.

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