Monday 14 December 2015

Assessment Review: being the artist

Before the assessment, I was a little bit nervous as I didn't want to make any mistakes! My partner and I had arranged practice sessions outside of lessons and every time the outcome of her design was slightly different. For example, the gold leaf on the eyebrows were too fair or the base was a bit paler.  Katherine didn't seem to ever have a big problem with this but it did frustrate me that I couldn't get the same look each time!

However when it came to the timed assessment, I did feel confident in executing her look. The techniques used in her design were along the lines of what we had learnt in classes so I was able to do it. My main concern was the gold leaf on the eyebrows. As I have previously said, each time I practiced, the outcome was different! During practice, I tested out wetting the glue stick to give me more time to apply the gold leaf. This actually worked really well and gave me time to work on the brows during the assessment before the glue dried.
If I was to change anything during this time, I would change the blush that was applied to the cheeks. I think I may have put a little too much product on and not blended it well enough. The colours were nice and worked really well with her look and actually complimented her facial features however I think it was a bit too heavy.
I think I understood Katherine's design well and was happy with the final look.

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