Monday 14 December 2015

Consultation Form

Before doing anything on a model or client it is highly advised to carry out a consultation form. This is to not only cover your own back but also to protect the person you are working with. It always nice to get a model like I have with no problems with the skin, no allergies and a normal skin type but everyone is different and we have to learn how to alter our method. Some pimers and foundations work better on different skin types or may have ingredients in that could cause a reaction to the skin if there is a know allergy.
You must always ask if your model is wearing contacts as this can irritate the eyes whilst make up is being applied. The big question is usually if there is any problems with the skin as we have do not want to cross contaminate brushes or products. We as makeup artists have to be careful too so that we do not come into contact with any kind of contagious infection or disease.

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