Monday 14 December 2015

Final 3 designs

These are 3 designs I done to try and get an idea of what kind of look I am trying to go for for my final design.

With this design, I tried to create a look that dramatically shows Lettice's crazy side. The dramatic smudged black on the eyes was to look as if she had been crying. Having a pale base would make the eyes stand out more. I'm not really keen on this design as I think it is a bit too contemporary. I would like to add more elements of the Elizabethan era in to it.

I decided to try the more traditional look with this one but with a slight contemporary twist. There is still the traditional white base however I have made the blush of the cheeks more elongated across the cheekbones rather than dabs on the apples. The lipstick would be a perfectly lined vibrant colour. Again, I am not too sure with this as I feel I have gone in the opposite direction to the previous design. I would like to try and add something to it that will make it different!

This design I liked the most as I though the colours worked really well. I liked the rustic bronze/gold and I thought it would work really well as a monochromatic design on a pale of even white base. When researching elizabethan makeup I always thought the eyes looked quite beady due to there being no eyelashes or eyebrows. I think if I was to create a bleached out brow and exaggerate the eyes, I could recreate the typical Elizabethan look in a different way.

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