Monday 14 December 2015


Being bored at home leads to doing some crazy things.
Me? I lost inspiration a little bit after realising none of my designs would be acceptable in my mind. So I played around with some makeup, keeping in flow with the Elizabethan theme.
I started off with the more traditional look...

I decided to try and exaggerate the white eyes as I noticed Queen Elizabeth I had bead-like eyes due to it being so white washed with make up. I put a contemporary twist on it by doing a white winged line.

I didn't like it being such a harsh line so I tried just blending it out with my finger which still left my eyes being much whiter. I also tried a different colour on the lips to see if it would alter the finishing look to the face.

I thought about what I did and didn't like about this experimenting session. I really liked the idea of my look being soft and gentle so I would like to ideally keep the pale base and very slight tint on the cheeks. Because my natural eyebrows are really fair, the product didn't look very neat when I tried to apply it to the hairs as it just transferred to the skin. I also liked the brighter coloured lips however I would like to keep in flow with the gentle and soft idea I have got going on! So maybe I will just stick to a paler colour that is softer. I then thought back to trying to add my Lady in Waiting character into my makeup design. As Lettice Knolleys supposedly had similar features to the Queen, I thought about what kind of symbolism I could add to the face to portray this.

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