Monday 14 December 2015

Health and Safety

When working in this industry, there are a lot more health and safety risks than what is thought.

A hazard is what you come across that is likely to cause harm. A risk is something that could potentially happen.

After looking at skin diseases and infections, cross contamination is a big main risk in the industry. It can harm not only yourself but your models too. To prevent this, you must get into a routine of keeping brushes clean after every client. Disposables are good to use for product such as creams and especially mascara where bacteria can be contained.

Hazards can be anything that will cause harm to a person so your area should always be as clean and tidy as possible. Anything that has fallen on the floor must be picked up and anything bought into your are must be out of the way for example, bags and coats.

Although it is routine to prepare your area before hand it should also become habit to clean up after thoroughly. Throw away all used disposable wands, spatulas, cotton balls and roll away and make sure everything has been packed away with the chair replaced to original positions and lights turned off. This eliminates all risks and hazards if you have cleaned and tidied your area properly.

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