Monday 14 December 2015

Assessment Review: role of the designer/model

I was really pleased with how my design turned out for the assessment. I feel like my partner and I had enough practice to be able to execute the look well. The techniques I used for my design were simple and what we had already used in classes so I had faith in Katherine to be able to create my design.

During the timed assessment, I was confident that my partner would complete my design in time. I was really pleased with the way she worked and was always making sure every step was finished properly.

If I was to change anything, I would like the base to be a bit paler. My original design was a normal base but I changed it to a slightly pale base as I wanted to show my chosen Lady in Waiting characteristics. Even though the base colour is not 100% what I pictured, I was still happy with the outcome.

I feel like my partner understood my design well which made it easy to work with her as we could discuss any problems we faced during practice sessions. There have been a couple of times during our practices that we have felt comfortable enough to express out opinions and suggest alternatives which we have both took on board.

Assessment Review: being the artist

Before the assessment, I was a little bit nervous as I didn't want to make any mistakes! My partner and I had arranged practice sessions outside of lessons and every time the outcome of her design was slightly different. For example, the gold leaf on the eyebrows were too fair or the base was a bit paler.  Katherine didn't seem to ever have a big problem with this but it did frustrate me that I couldn't get the same look each time!

However when it came to the timed assessment, I did feel confident in executing her look. The techniques used in her design were along the lines of what we had learnt in classes so I was able to do it. My main concern was the gold leaf on the eyebrows. As I have previously said, each time I practiced, the outcome was different! During practice, I tested out wetting the glue stick to give me more time to apply the gold leaf. This actually worked really well and gave me time to work on the brows during the assessment before the glue dried.
If I was to change anything during this time, I would change the blush that was applied to the cheeks. I think I may have put a little too much product on and not blended it well enough. The colours were nice and worked really well with her look and actually complimented her facial features however I think it was a bit too heavy.
I think I understood Katherine's design well and was happy with the final look.

Technical Blog sign off sheet

Final Design Practice: my design

I found it really easy to communicate my design to Katherine as I feel like she understood where I had got my ideas from. I was really easy to talk about the best ways of creating the look and what order it should be done in.
If I had any problems with what Katherine was doing, I would say but 9/10 she completely understood and managed to do what I had pictured in my head.

This is how it turned out.

I think next time, I would like the base to be a touch paler as it's not far off my natural skin colour. I am really happy with the gem placement as I think its even and am glad my partner took the time to get them right. 

My Final look practice

So I tested out my final look on myself at home and this is the result. I do really like it, I would just like some feedback from my tutor to see if there is anything I should maybe do differently. My next step is to arrange a tutorial with Kat to talk about my final design look.

Final Chosen Design

I've finally got my final design! I am really happy with it and have even tested it out on myself at home.

I am really happy with this. The only thing I would like to maybe tweak is the base as I think a paler base would look better.

Face Accessories

I looked for some images that would inspire me to give my design a bit of modern Elizabethan diamonte/material/jewel mash up.

The image of Vanessa Hudgens really caught my eye as it was simple but beautiful at the same time. I think pearls look really pretty on the face. I also really like the idea of incorporating lace into a makeup design as it is usually seen on clothing.
